New micro maps proposal
Main goals
- Be purely about unit micro (No mind games)
- Easy for new authors
- Have enough depth to be easy to jump in but hard to master
- Reasonably balanced matchups
- Bot with better micro wins
Multiple maps
- Early game skirmishes: From 5 supply up to 20 supply, extracted from one base all ins
- Mid tech skirmishes: Up to 40 supply armies
- Late tech skirmishes: Up to 60 units armies
- Big armies: Up to 60 supply
- Huge armies: 80+ supply
Map concept
- No fog of war
- Map ends after 10 rounds
- On a round one bot play as attacker and the other as defender
- On each round a new matchup is picked
- They play the same amount of times as attacker and defender
- A point is given to the side killing all enemy units before timer ends
- A point is given to the defender side if they have at least one unit alive when the timer ends
- Winner is the player with most points after 10 pairings (a tie if both players have the same amount of points)
Balance challenges
- Fight area is a small enough playable area that defender can't just run to survive
- Fight area is a large enough playable area that attacker can kite when needed
- Attacker always win with perfect/equally good micro, defender wins with better micro
Map 1: Early game skirmishes matchups
### ZvZ
#### Rounds 1 - 2: Early game
- 24 Lings
#### Rounds 3 - 4: Early pool ling all-in
- 8 drones + 8 lings
#### Rounds 5 - 6: Baneling nest opener
- 14 Lings + 4 Banelings
#### Rounds 7 - 8: Switching tech from lings to roaches
- 20 Speedlings + 5 Roaches
#### Rounds 9 - 10: Ravager rush
- 4 Roaches + 4 Ravagers
### PvP
#### Rounds 1 - 2: Early game
- 5 stalkers
#### Rounds 3 - 4: Adept harass defense practice
- 8 probes, 4 adepts
#### Rounds 5 - 6: Meat shield for stalkers
- 4 zealots, 4 stalkers
#### Rounds 7 - 8: Mixed unit composition
- 5 zealots, 4 adepts, 3 stalkers
#### Rounds 9 - 10: Blink rush all-in
- 10 blink stalkers
### TvT
#### Rounds 1 - 2: Early game
- 10 marines
#### Rounds 3 - 4: Hellion harass defense practice
- 8 scvs + 4 hellions
#### Rounds 5 - 6:
- 3 hellions + 6 reapers
#### Rounds 7 - 8
- 10 marines + 4 hellions + 2 marauders
#### Rounds 9 - 10
- 10 marines (Stimpack + Combat Shields) + 5 marauders (Stimpack + Concussive Shells)
### TvP
#### Rounds 1 - 2
- 14 marines vs 4 stalkers
- 4 stalkers vs 13 marines
#### Rounds 3 - 4
- 10 stalkers vs 9 marauders (Concussive Shells)
- 6 marauders vs 6 stalkers (Concussive Shells)
#### Rounds 5 - 6
- 17 marines vs 7 zealots + 3 Adepts
- 7 Zealots + 3 Adepts vs 16 marines
#### Rounds 7 - 8
- 6 marines + 6 hellions vs 5 zealots + 3 stalkers
- 5 zealots + 3 stalkers vs 5 marines + 6 hellions
#### Rounds 9 - 10
- 6 zealots with charge + 5 stalkers with blink vs 9 Marines (Stimpack + Combat Shields) + 5 Marauders (Stimpack + Concussive Shells)
- 10 Marines (Stimpack + Combat Shields) + 5 Marauders (Stimpack + Concussive Shells) vs 6 zealots (Charge) + 5 stalkers (Blink)
### PvZ
#### Rounds 1 - 2
- 5 Zealots vs 17 Zerglings
- 19 Zerglings vs x 5 Zealots
#### Rounds 3 - 4
- 10 stalkers vs 12 roaches on creep
- 11 roaches on creep vs 9 stalkers
#### Rounds 5 - 6
- 5 zealots + 3 stalkers vs 14 speedlings + 8 banelings
- 16 speedlings + 8 banelings vs 5 zealots + 3 stalkers
#### Rounds 7 - 8: Zerg counter-attacks after adept harass
- 14 speedlings + 5 roaches vs 4 adepts + 4 stalkers
- 4 adepts + 4 stalkers vs 13 speedlings + 5 roaches
#### Rounds 9 - 10
- on creep 11 Roaches + 3 queens (150 energy) vs 11 blink stalkers
- 11 blink stalkers vs on creep 11 Roaches + 3 queens (100 energy)
### TvZ
#### Rounds 1 - 2
- 5 Marines vs 10 Lings
- 17 lings vs 8 marines
#### Rounds 3 - 4
- 5 Roach vs 11 Marines
- 12 Marines vs 5 Roach
#### Rounds 5 - 6
- 5 marauders (Concussive Shells) vs 2 queens + 13 lings on creep
- 2 queens + 14 lings on creep vs 5 marauders (Concussive Shells)
#### Rounds 7 - 8
- 20 speedlings vs 8 reapers
- 10 reapers vs 27 speedlings
#### Rounds 9 - 10
- 10 marines + 5 marauders (Concussive Shells) vs 25 speedlings + 10 banelings
- 25 speedlings + 10 banelings (Centrifugal hooks) vs 10 marines + 5 marauders (Concussive Shells)
## Map 2 Mid tech skirmishes:
### ZvZ
#### Rounds 1 - 2
- **Zerg Units**:
- 15 Roaches
- 1 Overseer
- **Upgrades**:
- Burrow
- Roach Speed (Glial Reconstitution)
- Tunneling Claws
- **Note**: The Overseer dies if no Roaches are alive.
#### Rounds 3 - 4
- **Zerg Units**:
- 8 Roaches
- 8 Hydralisks
- **Upgrades**:
- Roach Speed (Glial Reconstitution)
- Muscular Augments (Hydralisk Speed)
#### Rounds 5 - 6
- **Zerg Units**:
- 6 Roaches
- 6 Ravagers
- 6 Hydralisks
- **Upgrades**:
- Roach Speed (Glial Reconstitution)
- Muscular Augments (Hydralisk Speed)
#### Rounds 7 - 8
- **Zerg Units**:
- 6 Roaches
- 6 Hydralisks
- 4 Infestors (starting with 100 energy)
- **Upgrades**:
- Roach Speed (Glial Reconstitution)
- Muscular Augments (Hydralisk Speed)
#### Rounds 9 - 10
- **Zerg Units**:
- 6 Roaches
- 6 Hydralisks
- 4 Infestors (starting with 200 energy)
- 16 Zerglings
- **Upgrades**:
- Roach Speed (Glial Reconstitution)
- Muscular Augments (Hydralisk Speed)
- Grooved Spines (Hydralisk Range)
- Metabolic Boost (Zergling Speed)
- Neural Parasite
### PvP
#### Rounds 1 - 2
- 2 Immortals + 10 stalkers
#### Rounds 3 - 4
- 7 zealots with charge, 2 Immortals + 7 blink stalkers
#### Rounds 5 - 6
- 8 Stalkers + 4 zealots with charge + 2 full energy Sentries
#### Rounds 7 - 8
- 6 Zealots with Charge, 4 blink Stalkers, 2 Immortals, 1 archon, 1 Warp Prism
#### Rounds 9 - 10
- 8 Zealots with Charge, 8 Stalkers, 3 full energy sentry, 2 High Templar (with Psionic Storm)
### TvT
#### Rounds 1 - 2
- 10 marines, 4 hellions, 4 cyclones
#### Rounds 3 - 4
- 20 Marines with combat shield and stim, 2 Siege Tanks
#### Rounds 5 - 6
- 18 Marines with combat shield and stim, 6 Marauders with Concussive Shells, 4 Medivacs (50 energy)
#### Rounds 7 - 8
- 14 Marines with combat shield and stim, 4 Siege Tanks, 2 ravens (100 energy), 1 medivac (100 energy)
#### Rounds 9 - 10
- 15 Marines (combat shields and stim), 4 Marauders with Concussive Shells, 3 Siege Tanks, 1 full energy Ghost (with EMP), 3 Medivacs (50 energy)
### PvZ
#### Rounds 1 - 2
- **Zerg Units**:
- 26 Zerglings
- 8 Banelings
- **Upgrades**:
- Metabolic Boost (Zergling Speed)
- Centrifugal Hooks (Baneling Speed)
- **Protoss Units**:
- 8 Stalkers
- 2 Sentries (full energy)
#### Rounds 3 - 4
- **Zerg Units**:
- 20 Zerglings
- 9 Hydralisks
- **Upgrades**:
- Metabolic Boost (Zergling Speed)
- Muscular Augments (Hydralisk Speed)
- **Protoss Units**:
- 11 Zealots
- 2 Archons
- **+1 Zealot when Protoss attacks**
- **Upgrades**:
- Charge (for Zealots)
#### Rounds 5 - 6
- **Zerg Units**:
- 8 Roaches
- 4 Ravagers
- 6 Hydralisks
- **Upgrades**:
- Roach Speed (Glial Reconstitution)
- Muscular Augments (Hydralisk Speed)
- **Protoss Units**:
- 7 Adepts
- 4 Stalkers
- 2 Immortals
- **+1 Adept when Protoss attacks**
- **Upgrades**:
- Resonating Glaives (for Adepts)
- Blink (for Stalkers)
#### Rounds 7 - 8
- **Zerg Units**:
- 8 Roaches
- 6 Hydralisks
- 2 Infestors (starting with 100 energy)
- 2 Overseers
- **Upgrades**:
- Roach Speed (Glial Reconstitution)
- Burrow
- Tunneling Claws
- Muscular Augments (Hydralisk Speed)
- Infestors have Fungal Growth
- **Protoss Units**:
- 9 Stalkers
- 2 Dark Templars
- 1 Warp Prism
- 2 Observers
- **-1 Roach when Protoss attacks**
- **Upgrades**:
- Blink (for Stalkers and Dark Templars)
#### Rounds 9 - 10
- **Zerg Units**:
- 19 Zerglings
- 5 Roaches
- 3 Ravagers
- 5 Hydralisks
- 3 Infestors (full energy)
- **-3 Zerglings when Zerg attacks**
- **Upgrades**:
- Metabolic Boost (Zergling Speed)
- Roach Speed (Glial Reconstitution)
- Muscular Augments (Hydralisk Speed)
- Neural Parasite (Infestor)
- **Protoss Units**:
- 7 Zealots
- 5 Stalkers
- 2 Immortals
- 2 High Templars (with Psionic Storm)
- 2 Sentries (full energy)
- **Upgrades**:
- Charge (for Zealots)
- Blink (for Stalkers)
- Psionic Storm (High templar)
### TvZ
#### Rounds 1 - 2
- **Terran Units**:
- 8 Cyclones
- **Zerg Units**:
- 3 Roaches
- 6 Hydralisks
- **+1 Roaches when Zerg attacks**
- **Upgrades**:
- Roach Speed (Glial Reconstitution)
- Muscular Augments (Hydralisk Speed)
#### Rounds 3 - 4
- **Terran Units**:
- 6 Marauders
- 6 Hellions
- **Upgrades**:
- Stimpack
- Concussive Shells (for Marauders)
- Infernal Pre-Igniter (Blue Flame for Hellions)
- **Zerg Units**:
- 20 Zerglings
- 8 Roaches
- **+1 Roaches when Zerg attacks**
- **Upgrades**:
- Metabolic Boost (Zergling Speed)
- Roach Speed (Glial Reconstitution)
#### Rounds 5 - 6
- **Terran Units**:
- 6 Hellbats
- 6 Marauders
- 2 Medivacs (50 energy)
- **+25 Medivac energy when Terran attacks**
- **Upgrades**:
- Stimpack
- Concussive Shells (for Marauders)
- **Zerg Units**:
- 5 Roaches
- 20 Zerglings
- 5 Hydralisks
- **Upgrades**:
- Roach Speed (Glial Reconstitution)
- Metabolic Boost (Zergling Speed)
- Muscular Augments (Hydralisk Speed)
#### Rounds 7 - 8
- **Terran Units**:
- 18 Marines
- 3 Siege Tanks
- 1 Medivac (100 energy)
- 1 Raven (150 energy)
- **Upgrades**:
- Combat Shields
- Stimpack
- Raven has its standard abilities
- **Zerg Units**:
- 9 Roaches
- 4 Ravagers
- 4 Hydralisks
- **+1 Ravagers when Zerg attacks**
- **Upgrades**:
- Roach Speed (Glial Reconstitution)
- Burrow
- Tunneling Claws
- Muscular Augments (Hydralisk Speed)
- Grooved Spines (Hydralisk Range)
#### Rounds 9 - 10
- **Terran Units**:
- 15 Marines
- 4 Marauders
- 3 Siege Tanks
- 1 Ghost (full energy)
- 3 Medivacs (50 energy)
- **Upgrades**:
- Combat Shields
- Stimpack
- Concussive Shells (for Marauders)
- Ghost has EMP and Cloak
- **Zerg Units**:
- 26 Zerglings
- 6 Roaches
- 6 Hydralisks
- 2 Infestors (starting with 200 energy)
- 1 Overseer
- **+4 Zerglings when Zerg attacks**
- **Upgrades**:
- Metabolic Boost (Zergling Speed)
- Roach Speed (Glial Reconstitution)
- Muscular Augments (Hydralisk Speed)
- Grooved Spines (Hydralisk Range)
- Neural Parasite (Infestors)
### TvP
#### Rounds 1 - 2
- **Terran Units**:
- 10 Marines
- 4 Marauders
- 4 Cyclones (3 after 5.0.14 patch)
- **Protoss Units**:
- 7 Stalkers
- 2 Immortals
#### Rounds 3 - 4
- **Terran Units**:
- 6 Marauders
- 2 Siege Tanks
- 2 Medivacs (50 energy)
- **+1 Marauder when Terran attacks**
- **Upgrades**:
- Stimpack
- Concussive Shells (for Marauders)
- **Protoss Units**:
- 6 Stalkers
- 2 Immortals
- 2 Sentries (full energy)
- **Upgrades**:
- Blink (for Stalkers)
#### Rounds 5 - 6
- **Terran Units**:
- 10 Marines
- 2 Hellbats
- 6 Marauders
- 2 Medivacs (100 energy)
- **Upgrades**:
- Combat Shields
- Stimpack
- Concussive Shells (for Marauders)
- **Protoss Units**:
- 5 Zealots
- 2 Archons
- 5 Stalkers
- 1 Warp Prism
- **+1 Stalker when Protoss attacks**
- **Upgrades**:
- Charge (for Zealots)
- Blink (for Stalkers)
#### Rounds 7 - 8
- **Terran Units**:
- 15 Marines
- 5 Hellbats
- 3 Siege Tanks
- 2 Ravens (75 energy)
- **Upgrades**:
- Stimpack
- Combat shields
- Inteference Matrix
- **Protoss Units**:
- 2 Dark Templars
- 8 Zealots
- 3 Immortals
- 5 Stalkers
- **+2 Dark Templars when Protoss attacks**
- **Upgrades**:
- Charge (for Zealots)
- Blink (for Stalkers and Dark Templars)
#### Rounds 9 - 10
- **Terran Units**:
- 12 Marines
- 6 Marauders
- 2 Siege Tanks
- 2 Ghosts (starting with 150 energy)
- 3 Medivacs (50 energy)
- **-1 Zealot and -1 Stalker when Terran attacks**
- **Upgrades**:
- Combat Shields
- Stimpack
- Concussive Shells (for Marauders)
- Personal Cloaking (Ghosts)
- **Protoss Units**:
- 8 Zealots
- 5 Stalkers
- 2 Immortals
- 2 High Templars (with Psionic Storm, starting with 100 energy)
- 2 Sentries (full energy)
- 1 Warp Prism
- 1 Observer (for detection)
- **Upgrades**:
- Charge (for Zealots)
- Blink (for Stalkers)
- Psionic Storm
Proposed matchups
### TvP
- 6 marauders, 4 marines, 2 medivacs (50 energy) (stim, cs) vs 10 stalkers (blink)
- 13 marines, 5 marauders, 3 ghosts (75 energy), 3 medivacs (50 energy) (stim, cs, concussive) vs 7 zealots, 7 stalkers, 2 high templars (75 energy), 1 archon, 1 sentry (100 energy) (blink, charge, storm)
- 15 marines, 10 marauders, 2 ghosts (75 energy), 3 medivacs (50 energy) (stim, cs, concussive) vs 8 zealots, 9 stalkers, 2 colossi, 2 sentries, 1 archon (blink, charge, colossus range)
### TvT
- 32 marines, 8 marauders, 6 vikings, 5 medivacs (50 energy), 1 liberator, 1 raven (stim, cs, concussive, interference matrix, advanced ballistics, 2/2 bio) vs 33 marines, 4 tanks, 6 vikings, 2 medivacs (stim, cs, 2/2 bio)
- 27 marines, 3 marauders, 1 raven (100 energy) (stim, cs, interference matrix) vs 23 marines, 3 tanks, 2 vikings (stim, cs)
- 4 cyclones, 2 hellions, 1 medivac vs 4 reapers, 2 cyclones, 1 marauder
### Other
- Roach/Ravager vs bio tank with all upgrades enabled
- Banshees vs Blink stalkers + observer
- Banshees+Vikings vs Speedy Hydras + Overseers/infestors
- Banshees+Vikings vs marine + cyclone + raven
- Blink Stalkers vs regular stalkers
- Blink Stalkers vs Siege Tank + Marines
- Blink stalkers vs Speedlings
- DT's + Blink stalkers vs Siege Tank + Marine + Raven
- DT's + observer vs lings + hydras + infestors
### Alpha 1
- Round match flow
### Alpha 2
- New matchup per round
- Respecting Race when choosing matchups
- Map increased to match current micro map size
- More matchups
- Previous matchups adjusted to have at least 3 units
### Alpha 3
- Score on timer title
- New PvT matchups
- Delay when round ends by kills
- Messages between rounds
### Alpha 4
- Extending time when defender unit dies
- Fixing liberator unit type
- Adjusting some matchup numbers
### Alpha 5:
- Tier 1 test matchups
- Matchups can have creep
- Matchup selection not random anymore
- Minor random on spawn position
- 1 second delay when map ends
### Version 1:
- Removed debug messages
- Extending timer when any unit dies, was only incrementing when attacker dies
- Included on AI Arena map pool
### Version 2:
- Fixing extend timer conditions
- Adjusting balance