Match 2710908

trending_down (-4) Apidae - VS - QueenBot (+4) trending_up



Started at Finished at Assigned to Result Winner Duration Download
04. April 2024 - 16:41:47 04. April 2024 - 17:29:32 arenaclient_010 Player2Win QueenBot 00:16:02 Replay | AC Log
Season Round
Sc2 AI Arena 2024 Pre-Season 2 Round 65

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Slugger 6m switching to default build, 5m 46 5 2 02222222222222222, 10m 126 34 40 0631578947368421, 10m10s cancel protoss_nexus, 15m 203 163 202 0964125560538116, 0s no cannonrush