#### Want to contribute? Here's how...

### Discord

Make sure you're a part of our [Discord](https://discord.gg/jx3V65F) so we can more easily collaborate. If you get stuck for how to move forward, you can use the discord to get help.

If this is all too much effort and you're not sure where to start, message lladdy#5723 on Discord and he'll try to help you out.

### Report bugs
If you spot something that doesn't quite look right, please report it in discord or create a task in the relevant github repo.

### Documentation
You can help by expanding this wiki with extra information and guides.  
Some ideas:

- Improve these instructions
- Improve setup instructions for new bot authors
- Information regarding how the website operates and how games are played
- Anything else you think is missing

The git repos can also use instructions for easing setup for new developers as well as technical documentation.

### Projects
Pick a task or create your own.

The website is the easiest to start off with because it is more stand-alone than the rest of the systems. We will endeavor to mark ideal starter tasks with the "good first issue" label where possible.

General/misc tasks: <https://github.com/orgs/aiarena/projects/5>

Website (Python, Django App): <https://github.com/aiarena/aiarena-web>

Match Controller (Rust): <https://github.com/aiarena/sc2-ai-match-controller>

Twitch Player/Stream bot (Python): <https://github.com/aiarena/aiarena-twitch>

Discord bot (Python): <https://github.com/aiarena/aiarena-discordbot>

You can also help by donating via our [patreon](https://www.patreon.com/aiarena) or sponsor us on [GitHub](https://github.com/sponsors/aiarena).  

This helps us cover server hosting and other associated costs.