Terms Of Usage

Please see the Terms Of Usage Page

Bot Development

Bot Types

The Ladder supports multiple programming languages listed below. Also see the Awesome SC2 AI list.



Can be compiled on Windows or Linux
Windows: Bot called via botname.exe
Linux: Bot called via botname

Base C++ API for sc2.
Website: cpp-sc2

A feature-rich starting bot for C++.
Website: CommandCenter


Version: Java 17 (OpenJDK)
Bot called via botname.jar
Website: ocraft-s2client

.NET Core


Bot called via botname
Website: go-sc2ai


Bot called via botname Website: rust-sc2


Version: 12
Bot called via botname.js
Website: node-sc2/core (Current working branch)

Using existing bots as a reference or starting point

See the rules regarding use of existing bots here: Rules: Using existing bots as a reference or starting point

Some bots on the bot ladders are open source and can either be downloaded or provide links to their source.
Browse the list of AI Arena bots https://aiarena.net/bots/. Alkurbatov also maintains a list of some open source bots: https://github.com/alkurbatov/suvorov-bot/wiki/Open-source-StarCraft2-bots


You can download current and old maps from the maps page

Bot Zip

To compete on the AI Arena ladder, you'll need to register an account, zip up your bot files and upload them as a new bot.

To make sure the bot works on the ladder you must adhere to the following standards:

For a successful upload the Bot must be packed using zip. (Max 50 MB)
Please make sure that the file the bot is called via (e.g. the executable) is in the root path after extraction (Don't zip the directory).


- MyBot.exe
- data/
- etc


- MyBot/
  - MyBot.exe
  - data/
  - etc


The bots may write to a ./data directory. Any files in the data directory will persist between games.

The data can be downloaded via profile page.